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Horror Movies for The Faint-Hearted

“I love horror movies because they are really fun. They tap into those wonderful primal emotions”.                   
Margot Kidder

Are you fond of horror movies? Why you should not as horror movies are the most thrilling source of entertainment. Seeing your curiosity and love for horror movies, we are bringing here a list of some of the must-watch horror and thrilling movies. Following is a list of top 20 horror movies for faint-hearted people.

The killing of sacred deer (2017)

It is one of the best scary movies to watch. A common family feels their lives at threat because of the provocation in the movie. The father in the movie has committed a blunder related to a grave. Now, he has to decide the compensation for that mistake. It is a beautifully written movie and direction has also played a significant role in it.


The killing of sacred deer (Picture credit: Pinterest)

Hush (2016)

Hush (2016)

Hush is a story of deaf women. She is deaf and an intruder threatens her life in a house in woods. She is strong and carries on fighting against a bloodthirsty burglar. It is one of the best scary movies on Netflix. The fight despite disability makes it more thrilling.

The sacrament (2013)

The sacrament (2013)

Another exciting and heart trembling scary movie for faint-hearted is “The Sacrament”. It is specially made for young people so that they remember the scary places shown in the movie for long. The movie provides a never settling environment. A series of shock and thrills keep coming for the viewers. Due to these shocks and thrills, the movie catches your concentration.

Would you rather (2012)

Here is a scary movie to watch alone. This movie is based on an ill brother and her sister. The condition of a brother is very serious. They both agree to and attend a dinner party. There, they decide to take part in a game hoping to win a lot of money. The game felt normal but later, it became worst for all. The movie entertains more if you watch it alone.

Would you rather

Would you rather (2012) (Picture credit: Pinterest)

The babadook (2014)

The babadook (2014)

This is the best horror movie of all time. The movie involves a child whose father died violently. You feel shocked how a child turned his childhood to a monster. The presence of evil in the body of a monster and combination with a child makes it a scary movie; not for faint-hearted.

Bhoot-part 1: The haunted ship (2020)

Bhoot-part 1

This is the best horror movie in 2020. The Bollywood has strived hard to make an awesomely scary movie for faint-hearted. An awesome story with amazing cast and direction from the Bollywood film industry. The story seems to be normal as an officer has to save a ship that is stuck in the ocean at a barren location. But the twist comes when he came to know that ship is haunted. This turn in the story is amazing and catches the soul in the fist.

It follows (2014)

It follows (2014)

Choose this movie if you are fond of scary monsters. You will see the scariest monster of your life. The story becomes scary when an innocent-looking boy who is about 19 years old performs an innocent act along with his friends. After this act, a monster aims to vanish the heart-beat of Jay. As it moves on, the movie keeps becoming scarier.

The witch (2015)

The witch (2015)

The Witch 2015 (Picture credit: Pinterest)

This is one of the best horror movies for the faint-hearted. The movie is based on a sacred Christian family who got disappeared their newly born baby. The devil stays in their home and appears in various forms. It makes the family frightened. The downfall of the family starts with the disappearance of their baby.

Ragini MMS 2 (2014)

Ragini MMS 2 (2014)

It an erotic and scary movie from the Bollywood film industry. It has a shocking story along with a highly erotic actress. She has performed her role in such a way that it seems 100% real. Some people say the movie is based on the real story of a girl from Delhi.

The turning (2020)

The turning (2020)

“The turning” is the best horror movie in 2020. The story is revolved around two children who are taken care of by a nanny. The children are orphans and live in a completely isolated mansion. The place is itself much scary. The shocking twist comes when the nanny feels some abnormality in children. She comes to know that the children are behaving not only abnormal but scarier as well. Their behavior is not only shocking and scary for a nanny but also viewers.

Haunted hills (2020)

Haunted hills (2020)

It is another best horror movie in 2020 from Bollywood. But this horror movie is not for faint-hearted. The genre of the movie is scary and romantic as well. The combination of romance and horror captures the hearts. A husband and his wife are leading character and they go for their honeymoon. The wife paints a painting there which remains incomplete and wife dies. Her soul stuck in the painting.

Raaz reboot (2016)

Raaz reboot (2016)

Raaz reboot (2016) (Picture credit: Pinterest)

It is considered the best scary movie to watch from Bollywood. It is better if you watch this horror movie alone. The story revolves around a husband and his wife. The husband has a job in foreign but hides something from her wife. The life of her wife is at risk due to a devil spirit. The cast is amazing and the story has a thrill after each scene.

Mushkil – Fear Behind You 

Mushkil – Fear Behind You

Here comes another Bollywood movie that thrills its viewers. The story describes some friends who go on holiday to Greece. They go to visit an old castle. But, unfortunately, strange things start happening and the movie takes a turn to scary events. As strange things start happening, they feel their life is at risk due to the presence of a ghost in the castle. Strange and soul shivering events and heart trembling sounds make it real horror to watch.

Midsommar (2019)

Midsommar (2019)

Midsommar is one of the must-watch scary movies. A couple goes to visit a rural place. This is the hometown of their friend. They make a visit to midsummer and the purpose of their visit is to enjoy an amazing festival held there every midsummer. The rural area is beautiful and they enjoyed it a lot but the festival turns into a deadly competition. Here is the real twist when people start shivering due to fear.

Hereditary (2018)

A lady of Graham's family passes away. After sometimes, her daughter and her siblings detect terrifying facts about their forefathers. They have menacing fate which is inherited to them form their ancestors. They have to fight against it. They face true fear and a lot of other problems. They gradually came to know about the bad and sinful fate they had in their blood.

Hereditary (2018)

Hereditary (2018) (Picture credit: Pinterest)

A quiet place (2018)

A quiet place (2018)

A quiet place, the best horror movie to watch alone. This movie has a different type of fear in it. The exciting thing is that it depicts a strange creature that can only hear the sound. Once it hears you, you will be killed by her. A family is surviving against this menacing creature. They have to be silent at any cost to save their life. Once they utter a single word or make any type of sound, they will be the dinner of the creature. But the children are finding a way to fight to live.

Get out (2017)

Get out (2017)

A young energetic boy and his charming girlfriend date and decide to talk to the parents of girls. The girl invites the boy to her friend's home. Everything goes on perfect but suddenly a few unusual things started to happen in the mansion. The peace and calm are replaced by worry and fear. He was nervous to tell her parents about their relationship. But soon she came to know a truth she never thought about. That truth is the real fear in the movie.

The cabin of the woods (2011)

The cabin of the woods (2011)

This is the scariest movie to watch alone. It is a story of five friends who go to a cabin in the forest for a short holiday. But they were not alone there. Some horrifying creature was waiting there to hunt them. This creature is a frightening and ugly looking zombie. They fall prey to zombies one by one. Two scientists are also part of the story. The cast has played their role very well. The movie is mind-blowing. But actually, it is a scary movie not for faint-hearted

Alone (2015)

Alone (2015)

Alone is a Bollywood mysterious horror movie. It is the best horror movie of all time. A story based on twin sisters who promised to stay together forever but unfortunately one dies in an accident but the other survived. The story revolves around the mystery of both sisters.

Drag me to hell (2009)

Drag me to hell (2009)

A girl has heavenly life and a job at a bank. She refuses the extension for a home loan of an old lady to impress her boss. The old lady put her in the curse. Now, she has to face the music for her mistake. Heavenly life turns into hell due to a small mistake. 

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