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2020 gave best teacher to world from India - Ranjitsinh Disale

Ranjitsinh Disale-India's first global teacher award winner!


Last week, Ranjitsinh Disale, a teacher at Government Marathi School in Partewadi, who became famous all over the world, was the headline of all the news channels in India and around the world.

Ranjitsinh Disale was nominated among the top 10 nominees for the Global Teacher Award and Win global teacher Award 2020!

This was the second attempt by Ranjitsinh Disale to collect an entry for the award after getting information from his Japanese friend.

12000 applications are submitted every year from all over the world to participate in this competition and only 50 candidates were shortlisted every year after the process, personal confidential interviews conducted and out of them 10 finalist candidates are selected for the final round with best scoring,

N.H. Museum,London,U.K

The Natural History Museum:(Source:Wikipedia)

Veteran British actor and writer Stephen Fry announced Ranjitsinh Disale as a winner of Global teacher award 2020.This ceremony of winner announced and broadcasted virtually from the N.H. Museum,London,U.K,Verkey foundation  organised this awards every year.


Ranjitsinh- An Innovative Teacher!

Ranjit Sinh Disale, who dreamed of becoming an IT engineer, had to drop out of engineering college in six months due to ragging. Instead of wasting six months, his father, a former teacher, admitted him to D.Ed and decided to return to I.T next year.

Rajnitesh at college days

Ranjitsinh during college days: Source(Ranjitsinh Facebook)

During the course, he became curious about Teaching field and learn teacher are King Maker in course study and decided to become a teacher. Ranjit Singh, who started working at the age of 20, joined the school at Partewadi Z.P in 2009 on an honorarium of Rs 3,000. When he joined the school, the conditions and premises of the school were very bad. Goats and sheep were tied in the school premises, dung and cattle excrement were scattered everywhere. When the class was full, only 1% to 2% children were present in the school. The big question before them was how to communicate with parents and students at a time people speak and understand only Kannada language. In this situation, Ranjitsingh decided to learn Kannada language for communicating with parents and students. Despite the school, the parents did not have a tendency to send their daughters to school. Some children used to come, but sometimes they would go for farming with their parents. Education was not important in their view.


Action plan and experiments of Ranjitsinh-

Ranjit Singh started visiting the parents and students at work on the farm, explaining the importance of education to the people and taking the children with him to school.

Being employed in a very remote and naxal area, the children did not care about school even not interested in it. He has also worked towards eradicating teenage marriaiges in his village and promoting girls' education.

As a teacher, Ranjitsingh decided to become a change maker and started working!

School kids at Rajit

Kids from Ranjitsinh school(Source:Facebook)

He requested his father to give him a laptop as he could not afford to buy a laptop. Seeing Ranjit's father, his father gave him a laptop as a gift. After that Ranjit made a plan like showing movies on his laptop, As the movies unfolded, the children began to bring other children with them and the children enjoy school-time. Even though 1% attendance was on the way to 100%, some parents yet not ready to send their daughters to school! As a forest area, there was constant fear and anxiety. As a solution to this, Ranjit Singh himself translated the entire study lessons of class 1 to 4 into Kannada and recorded the video on his mobile and sent the file to each student's parent's mobile. They started studying at home and this made videos useful even when revising the subject. But one of the problems that came exist, such  files started getting corrupted and now they started facing the question of how to make a safe file and spread knowledge to everyone?


Ranjit sinh's Q.R code idea!

One day when he was standing in a shop with the question of what to do, he saw a shopkeeper handing over a scanned code to the customer and saw the digital payment transaction on the mobile. This scan code is correct and can save the file safely. He studied this, and he created the QR code of each lesson in the syllabus, created the scan code in such a way that after reading the lesson, scanned the code again to see, the questionnaire came up and realise how much reader understand the lesson. NCERT accepted his embedding QR codes in syllabus!

He created videos based on the poems and lessons in the syllabus which became very useful.

Seeing his passion for education, the parents started sending their children to school. He soon became a student-friendly teacher as he developed a friendly relationship with the students.Ranjitsingh prepared plan for conservation of forest and protection of every tree, Students adopted trees in their near area.metalic scan code fixed on every tree which code connected with mobile phones of student's parents. If any injury happened with tree the QR connected device and the sensor would come to the mobile. On 5th September 2019,his story featured on BBC news in accassion of teacher's day!


Ranjitsinh's Achievement-

For the study of history, he connects guides to many forts on virtual Skype calls to give students a direct experience that makes learning easier. They interact with other teachers around the world, interact with other students around the world on virtual calls.

Rajnitesh at Microsoft Conference

Ranjitsinh Microsoft Conference: Source Ranjitsinh Facebook

Satya Nadella,The CEO of Microsoft recognized Ranjit's innovative work and mention about it in his book.Story of Ranjit is one of the three stories included in Hit Refresh book of Satya Nadella.Ranjitsinh achieved central government of India award 

National Innovation Foundation

National Innovation Foundation: Source(National Innovation Foundation - India Facebook)

 in 2016 for Innovative Researcher work.National Innovation Foundation’s praised Ranjitsinh and honoured him as an Innovator of the Year award in 2018

We salute this innovative work!!

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