
How do I contact someone at Heathrow airport?

If you need assistance at Heathrow Airport, you can easily connect with the representative at the airport. If you wish to contact someone at Heathrow Airport, you can use the below methods and get the required assistance at the airport.

The methods to how do I speak to someone at Heathrow Airport

Phone call: You need to go to the official webpage of Heathrow Airport.

Hover the mouse on the help option available on dashboard.

Under the help section, you will get various options. Look for the contact us option and click on the option.

You will be diverted to the contact us page, where you will have to look for the phone call option.

Once you click on the phone call option, you will find the customer service number of Heathrow Airport.

Dail the number and complete the IVR instructions to connect with a live representative.

Live chat:

Visit the official website of Heathrow Airport.

Then on the dashboard, you need to click on the Help option.

When you click on the help option, you will get various options.

Click on the contact us option.

When you are on the contact us page, scroll down and click on the live chat icon.

A chat box will appear on the screen.

You will get connected to virtual assistance. You need to give the required details to get connected with a live representative.


You can also use an alternative method to contact the airlines, the email option, and the contact form. You can also directly get in touch with the airport authority if you are facing any issues at the airport.

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