The Card Clinic

Advantages of Getting Medical Marijuana Card

At the time of this writing, medical marijuana is legal in 33 states and D.C., and recreational marijuana is legal in 11 states and D.C. It is permitted in the states where medical marijuana is allowed to have an MMJ card.

We are close to the silver anniversary of the first medical marijuana program in the modern era in the United States. In 1996, Prop 215 let people in California who could show that they had a medical need for cannabis get it. It opened the door to legalization in many states, and one hopes that federal legalization isn't a pipe dream like it was a few decades ago.

Having a Medical Marijuana Card is good for you

You have the right to be safe.

This is one of the best and most obvious reasons to get a medical marijuana card online Florida. You will be able to use it legally. Marijuana may be illegal at the federal level, but if you have a medical marijuana card in the state where you live, you have a certain amount of protection from the law there.

This benefit is more important in states that don't allow recreational marijuana. If you are caught with marijuana without a medical card in these states, you could be fined a lot of money or even go to jail. Legal protection is one of the main reasons we think it's essential to get a medical marijuana card in your state.

More People Can Afford Marijuana

Obtaining a cannabis card can save you a lot of money if you live in a state that allows recreational use of the drug and also to visit marijuana doctor orlando. Each time you buy recreational marijuana in a recreational state, you'll have to pay an extra excise and retail tax, which can add up to 20% in taxes. Medical patients will not have to pay these retail taxes and excise, saving them hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year.

Higher Limits on Possession

People who use medical marijuana can buy and keep more marijuana than people who use it for recreational reasons. Typically, medical users get at least an ounce more of cannabis than non-medical users, which is a lot of pot. There may be a big difference between running out of your medicine and having enough marijuana to last a month! If you want to visit a weed doctor you can search for the option weed doctor near me.


It doesn't matter if you live in a state where marijuana is completely legal. If you have a medical condition that qualifies, you should still get your medical marijuana card. They get extra benefits that recreational users don't get.

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