
Does Frontier refund in 24 hours?

Yes, you may get a refund in 24 hours at Frontier Airlines. But the refund is the subject of the policies laid by the airline, and in accordance with that, reimbursement could be processed. And the provision about this has been laid at the bottom:-

You can seek a full refund if you cancel your booking within 24 hours and the flight departs within seven days or more.

When you cancel a reservation after the expiration of the grace period, then you can have your money by deducting cancellation fees.

If the airline cancels your original flight, you can also seek full reimbursement. 

When you purchase the flight ticket with a credit card or cash, you can get your sum back within twenty days. And for the other mode, a refund could be received within seven to ten working days. 

When you have purchased the flight ticket with the help of a travel agent, then contact them to process your request, not the airline.

Acknowledge ways to how do I speak to a live person at Frontier Airlines for a refund

When you are competent to get a refund on Frontier Airlines, you can get distinct options. So for that, you can get frontier airlines customer service on call, and the phone number is 1 (801) 401-9000. Otherwise, you can use the online method to pursue the process on your own, and the steps for that are as follows:-

Use a search engine to open the official website of Frontier Airlines

After that, click on my trip icon

And then, enter your booking code with the surname of a passenger.

Now, click on the refund options

Further, you get to enter the details asked in the form and click on the submit options.

 You can get the approval message in your email and phone number when the process is done.

Hence, you can eliminate the confusion Does Frontier refund in 24 hours? Still, if you have anything more to ask, then approach customer service and get resolutions.

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