
What is the duration of WestJet's hold time?

Sometimes you've to wait for a long in customer service to get connected with a customer service representative or to get a resolution. This thing is known as hold time. The average hold time in WestJet airlines is about 3 minutes and 10 seconds. It depends upon the number of customers in the queue. It also varies across channels.

Duration of hold time in the WestJet customer service:

Suppose you have called WestJet, and they put your call on hold for more than 10 minutes. Then you may want to know How long is WestJet hold Time?

For your information, the average hold time in WestJet airlines is 3 minutes 10 seconds. It may be more or less, depending on the situation.

How to get hold of WestJet airlines?

To get hold of WestJet, you should make a call or email a message to the WestJet airlines; here is how you can do this:

Via Call: You can call WestJet via these steps mentioned below,

Go to the WestJet official website.

Enter the Help section, and get the call option.

Tap on that, and you will get their number, Dial the number.

Now press 1 in the IVR to get the Booking information.

Press 2 to solve the issues about the cancellation.

 Press 3 for the baggage issues.

Press 7 to talk to the customer service executive.

Other than calling, you can also use live chat, email, and social media to get hold of WestJet.

Why is the hold time so high at WestJet?

Because of the high crowds, and as the traveling is expanding, the WestJet hold time is increased. In the festive season, the hold time gets high by many folds. So the hold time is high, but in the early morning, it is usually low.

If you want to connect with WestJet, you should contact them early in the morning. Visit their website for more information.

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