
How Much is the No Show Fee for Ethiopian Airlines?

How much is the No Show Fee for Ethiopian Airlines?

Sometimes travel plans change at the last moment, and we forget to cancel our flight reservations. Also, there are times when we can not reach the airport at the expected time of flight departure and end up missing our flights. In both cases, Ethiopia Airlines identifies you as a “No show” at the airport. If you have also come across such an incident during your recent journey and you are worried about: How Much is the No Show Fee for Ethiopian Airlines?” 

Then you must go through their flight cancellation policies mentioned below:

Ethiopian Airlines flight cancellation policies

  • If due to any reason, you wish to cancel your reservation, then you must cancel your booking at least 24 hours before flight departure.
  • If you cancel after this period, then you need to pay a flight cancellation fee.
  • If the airline cancels your flight, then they will provide you with a seat on the next available flight.
  • Flight cancellation prices change according to various factors.

No-show fee for Ethiopian Airlines

If due to any reason, you do not arrive at the airport on time or cancel your flight reservation late, then you need to pay USD 100 to American Airlines as a no show fee. If you request to change the flight date after the date of departure, then also no show fee will be added. If you wish to know the exact Ethiopian Airlines ticket change fee, then you can reach the customer care service of Ethiopian Airlines and talk to a live person to gather the required information.

If you have any queries regarding this same then you can make a call on our cusromer support team at 1(802) 209-2600.
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