
How long does it take to get a refund from KLM?

Sometimes people process the cancellation of a flight ticket because there is no other option left for them, and taking that flight seems impossible per current circumstances. The airlines understand this thing about the [assengers and make sure to provide them with a complete refund of their flight ticket when they cancel their flight ticket as per the airline's rules. If you had canceled your reservation with KLM and now waiting for the refund, in that case, you must know that it will take from seven to 14 business days for the KLM airlines to initiate the refund for you. But to get a refund from KLM airlines, you must cancel your flight ticket as per the rules mentioned by the airline for a refund.

KLM refund policy

The refund on your flight ticket depends upon the type of seat you have reserved with the airlines at the time of booking your flight ticket. Make sure to know everything before proceeding with canceling your flight ticket and getting a refund for the same.

For regular seats

The passengers who booked their flight tickets with KLM on regular reservation tickets are eligible for a refund if,

The request for the cancellation was made in the initial 24 hours after the flight booking.

If the airline itself cancels the flight ticket of the passengers in case of any technical issue.

Due to the airline's technical fault, the passenger missed the KLM connecting flight and opted for the cancellation.

If the passenger cancels their flight ticket, they get a different ticket than they booked.

For Extra Comfortable seats

The passengers making reservations for the extra comfortable seats are liable to get a refund of their flight ticket if,

If the cancellation was made within 24 hours of the flight booking with KLM.

The airlines have changed the type of flight ticket without informing them.

If the passengers have rescheduled their flight but didn't get their desired seat due to the availability.

Please read the complete information given above to know how long does it take to get a refund from KLM and the rules to get the refund.

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