
How to start UPSC/IAS EXAM Preparation?

Starting the UPSC/IAS exam preparation can be overwhelming, but with a proper strategy and planning, it can be manageable. Here are some steps that you can follow to start your UPSC/IAS exam preparation:

  1. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus: The first step is to understand the exam pattern and syllabus. The UPSC conducts the exam in three stages - Prelims, Mains, and Interview. Each stage has a different format and requires a different approach. Also, understanding the syllabus will give you a clear idea of what to study and how much to cover.
  2. Make a study plan: Once you know the exam pattern and syllabus, make a study plan. Divide the syllabus into smaller units and allocate time for each unit. Set realistic goals and timelines, and make sure to include time for revision and practice.
  3. Start with NCERT books: The NCERT books are a good starting point for the UPSC/IAS exam preparation. Start with the NCERT books of classes 6-12, and cover the subjects - History, Geography, Polity, Economics, and Science.
  4. Read newspapers and magazines: Keep yourself updated with current affairs by reading newspapers and magazines like The Hindu, Indian Express, Yojana, Kurukshetra, and Frontline. Focus on issues related to national and international importance.
  5. Practice writing: Writing is an important aspect of the UPSC/IAS exam. Practice writing essays, answer writing, and precis writing. This will help you in expressing your ideas clearly and concisely.
  6. Take mock tests: Mock tests are a great way to evaluate your preparation and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Take mock tests regularly and analyze your performance. This will help you in improving your speed and accuracy.
  7. Join a coaching centre: If you feel the need for guidance and support, you can join a coaching centre for ias exam preparation. They provide expert guidance, study material, and a structured approach to preparation.

In conclusion, starting the UPSC/IAS exam preparation requires dedication, hard work, and a well-planned strategy. Follow these steps, stay focused, and consistent, and you will be on your way to achieving your dream of becoming a civil servant.


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