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Is there a phone number on Facebook?

Yes, there is a phone numbers on Facebook: 650-543-4800 and 650-308-7300. If you have any queries, you can reach the representative by connecting with them, and they will answer your questions as quickly as possible. To speak with the representative, you can connect with them on the various How do I speak to someone at Facebook? methods and select the one according to your preference. 


Ways to Get Assistance From Facebook. 


  • Chat with the Assistant on Facebook. 

If the user is holding a business account and is facing any problem with their account, they can chat with the representative on the help center. To chat with the representative, they must follow the process: 


  1. Go to Facebook and enter your email id and password. 
  2. Tap on the three dots and click on the help option. 
  3. Under the help option, select the topic according to your issue. 
  4. Go to the chat option and share the query with the representative who will provide the solution to your queries as quickly as possible. 

 If the user has a query,  Is there a phone number on Facebook, they can visit the official page of Facebook, and they will get the contact number. After that, they must follow the IVR command, and now they can speak with them. 

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