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Managing Jira Cloud Projects ACP-620 actual questions

Real ACP-620 Questions

If you are still study hard to prepare the Atlassian ACP-620 exam, you're wrong. Of course, with studying hard, you can pass the exam. But may not be able to achieve the desired effect. Now this is the age of the Internet, there are a lot of shortcut to success. Certqueen Managing Jira Cloud Projects ACP-620 actual questions is a good training materials. It is targeted, and guarantee that you can pass the exam. This training matrial is not only have reasonable price, and will save you a lot of time.

Update Atlassian ACP-620 Questions and Answers

Sarah created a new custom field called 'Project Cost'. She cannot view the field in some of the issues.

Which of the following is true?

A. Some issues have 'Issue Level Security' applied.

B. 'Project Cost' value is empty.

C. 'Project Cost' is one of the 'Hidden fields'.

D. She needs 'Browse Projects' permission.

Answer: B

Which of the following are suitable scenariosto use Jira group? (Choose four.)

A. The project administrator will manage group membership.

B. Members of the group are responsible for making bulk changes on multiple issues.

C. Same users will be working on multiple projects.

D. The site administrator will manage group membership.

E. Permission can be managed at the global level.

F. Team members require 'Work On Issues' permission to log work done.

Answer: B, C, D, E

Which of the following are true about creating a Jira board? (Choose three.)

A. We cannot create a new board while creating a new Jira project.

B. We can create a new board for only one Jira project.

C. We cannot create a new board from someone else's saved filter.

D. We can create a new board formultiple Jira projects.

E. We can create a new board from our own saved filter.

F. We can create a new board from the existing project.

Answer: D, E, F

Which of the following are true aboutthe Jira permission? (Choose three.)

A. You need 'Resolve Issues' permission to reopen resolved issues.

B. You need 'Manage Sprints' permission to complete your sprint.

C. You need the Jira Core application access to create a new sprint.

D. You need 'Resolve Issues' permission to set the 'Fix version' field.

E. You need 'Fix Version' permission to set the 'Fix version' field.

F. You need 'Move Issues' permission to move the issue's status to another status

Answer: A, B, D

Which of the following are true about sub-tasks? (Choose three.)

A. Sub-tasks can be disabled.

B. Sub-tasks can have sub-tasks.

C. Users cannot move sub-tasks to another project.

D. Sub-tasks can be translated into other installed languages.

E. Users cannot convert sub-tasks to epics.

F. Users can convert sub-tasks to standard issue types, and vice versa.

Answer: A, D, F

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