esthetica cosmetology

Mole removal services in Mohali: Options & considerations

Moles, medically known as nevi, are common skin growths that can appear anywhere. These are small, flat, brown, or black skin spots caused by clusters of melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation. While moles can vary in appearance, they are typically round or oval with smooth edges. While moles are usually harmless, some can be ugly or cause health issues. If you're looking for mole removal services in Mohali, it's essential to diagnose your mole type and its risk level and consider essential factors before deciding.

In addition, moles are common and can vary in texture, thickness, and size. It is also expected to experience additional hair growth around moles at certain times. However, it looks essential to have moles checked if they change in size, shape, or color, even though most people have between 10 and 40 moles on their bodies without any issues. Therefore, to resolve your confusion about nevi and mole removal treatment in Mohali, we share our thoughts here in this blog. 

Moles: A brief overview

Additionally, nevi are brown or black and can vary in size and shape, as discussed above. They appear when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin color, grow in clusters instead of spreading out evenly. Most moles develop during childhood and adolescence but can occur at any age. However, youngsters feel ashamed of these unwanted buds. But these impact your facial as well as skin beauty; therefore, mole removal is necessary. While moles are generally harmless, specific changes in size, shape, color, or texture may deserve medical attention, as they could indicate skin cancer. Therefore, you can move to the best mole removal services clinic in Mohali or Chandigarh, like Esthetica Clinic. 

When to consult an expert dermatologist

However, the risks of mole removal vary from infection to nerve damage. So, you must choose a skilled dermatologist or surgeon to decrease risks. Other risks may be present based on the treatment area and removal method. Similarly, after mole removal, scars are common. People often remove moles for cosmetic reasons without realizing each removal leaves a scar. Before deciding on removal, consult your surgeon about the type of scar you can expect. Moles can darken due to sun exposure, pregnancy, and puberty. During pregnancy, hormonal effects can cause moles to change, such as getting darker or larger. However, if a mole changes irregularly or unevenly, it should be examined by a dermatologist. Besides this, there are several reasons why someone might consider mole removal:

Cosmetic concerns

Some individuals may find moles unattractive, mainly if they are prominently on the face or other visible areas.


Likewise, moles in areas prone to friction, such as undergarment lines, can become irritated and uncomfortable. Therefore, mole removal services in Mohali will serve you with top-notch facilities to you. 

Suspicion of skin cancer 

If a mole shows signs of melanoma or any other type of skin cancer, it should be promptly removed for further examination.

Mole removal treatment in Mohali procedures

In Mohali, as in many other places, you can find various options for mole removal, but if you are looking for the best-in-class treatment, visit estheticacosmetology.com. These options are generally safe and effective when performed by trained professionals. The treatment choice depends on factors like the mole's size, location, and whether there are concerns about malignancy. Here are some common mole removal methods:

Excision surgery

This is a standard method for cutting the mole with a scalpel. It's often used for larger moles or those imagined as being cancerous. Stitches may be required, and scarring is a possibility.

Laser removal 

Laser therapy is a non-invasive and advanced option suitable for smaller moles. It involves a laser blink to break down the pigment in the mole. Laser mole removal typically results in less scarring than excision surgery.

Shave excision

This method involves shaving off the mole's top layers. It's suitable for raised moles that don't penetrate deep into the skin. Like laser removal, scarring is minimal.


Cryotherapy involves freezing the mole using liquid nitrogen. This causes the mole to peel off over time. It's effective for small, non-cancerous moles but may require multiple sessions.


In this method, the mole is burned off using an electrical current. It's typically used for smaller moles but can leave a small scar.

Factors to consider while you look for the mole treatment

When you look in the mirror, moles may cause insecurity and anxiety in social situations. Although most moles are harmless, some people opt for removal for cosmetic reasons. Dermatologists can now perform mole removals using advanced techniques that ensure minimal discomfort and quick results. If you are unhappy with a mole, consult a healthcare provider about the available options for removal and feel confident in your skin. Further, your doctor can diagnose moles by inspecting your skin during a full-body examination. If a mole is suspected to be cancerous, it is removed and sent for biopsy. Likewise, you may consider making a skin exam a routine part of your preventative healthcare. Hence, discuss with your doctor a suitable schedule for you. On the other hand, before undergoing mole removal treatment in Mohali, there are several factors to keep in mind:


Always consult a dermatologist or a qualified medical professional before deciding on mole removal. They will assess the mole's characteristics and guide the best action.

Mole type

The type of mole you have may influence the treatment method. Some moles are more likely to become cancerous than others, so it's essential to determine their nature.


The location of the mole matters, especially for cosmetic reasons. Removing a mole from a prominent area, like the face, requires careful consideration of scarring and healing.


Additionally, different removal methods come with varying costs. You can discuss the pricing with your healthcare provider and review if your health insurance covers the procedure.


Now, consider the downtime and healing associated with each removal method. Some methods may require more post-procedure care than others.


While getting therapy, also discuss scarring concerns with your healthcare provider. They can guide minimizing scarring and potential scar revision procedures if necessary.


Mole removal services in Mohali offer a range of options to address cosmetic, medical, and comfort-related concerns associated with moles. However, it's essential to approach mole removal experts with careful consideration. Whether you opt for excision surgery, laser removal, or another method, prioritize your skin's health and safety with Esthetica Cosmetology.

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