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How to Fix the QuickBooks Keeps Crashing in QuickBooks Desktop?

This article will show you the best ways to fix a QuickBooks Keeps Crashing, but before we go any further, let's learn more about the error itself. You should know that this mistake is very annoying. It must be frustrating to make changes to an invoice or receipt but not be able to send it to your client. This error could happen after some changes or updates that Microsoft has made.

Because of this problem, you might lose any information you haven't saved or company data, and we know how upsetting it is to lose important information. Please keep in mind that getting this error over and over again could damage the company file. So, let's talk about what makes this mistake happen.

Reasons Why QuickBooks Keeps Crashing Error Happens

QuickBooks Crash Com Error, which can happen for a number of different reasons. We have found a few obvious reasons for this mistake:

  1. Windows or other parts make synchronisation fail.
  2. Installing the accounting software QuickBooks wrong.
  3. By accident, QB-related files were deleted.
  4. Firewall or antivirus software is getting in the way of how QuickBooks Desktop works.
  5. If Windows files are broken, the QB software might crash.
  6. Windows or QuickBooks parts are missing.
  7. One of the most common causes of crash com error is broken or missing Windows or MS Office parts.

When can Crash com Error show up in QuickBooks?

There are many reasons why you might get this error, but here are some of the most common ones:

  • When sending invoices by email or when opening them.
  • Whenever you attach a file.
  • When you try to save something, too.
  • You are trying to open the check book.
  • This error could show up on the screen when you try to open a report.

How to Fix the "QuickBooks Crash com" Error 

Method 1: Make Microsoft Outlook the default email program

If the above solutions don't work, you can set Microsoft Outlook as your default mail program, which will help fix the QuickBooks Crash Com Error. Here are the steps that make up this process:

  • First, go to the Control Panel, and then go to the Programs section.
  • Then choose the option that says Default programs.
  • Then, choose the option to Set your default programs, followed by the option to Mail.
  • Now, click on Outlook, and then click Save settings.
  • If the error keeps coming back, try the next method.

Recommended to read :-  How to Fix QuickBooks error h202

Method 2: Adding a window admin user

Adding a new window administrator user might help fix the error that keeps happening. Here are the steps involved in this process:

  • The first step is to make a Windows user with administrator rights.
  • Open the Windows start menu and then click "All Programs."
  • Open the Windows Small Business Server and then choose Windows SBS Console.
  • Click on Users and Groups, and then click on "Add a new user account."
  • Next, fill out the user's information, and then follow the steps in the Add a new user account wizard.
  • You must now give the New user admin privileges.
  • When you're done, choose Finish.
  • Then use the new user to sign in to Windows.
  • Then I opened the QuickBooks software again.

Method 3: Fine-tune your QuickBooks desktop and company file

Start by opening QuickBooks and updating it to the most recent version.

  • Then try updating QuickBooks manually to see if there are any update errors.
  • After that, you need to open the QuickBooks company file and click "Verify" to make sure the data in the company file is correct.
  • Then, the item on which the Company file on QuickBooks Pro 2016 keeps crashing  error was opened.
  • You should open another report or form and try to email it to see if the error still happens.


This article explained the most effective ways to fix the QuickBooks Keeps Crashing in QuickBooks. There are a few different ways to fix this error, but the ones in this article should work for you. If the problem continues or comes back, you can contact us at +1(855)-738-0359.

Read More:- How to Fix QuickBooks Error code 6177

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