aero  flies

How do I cancel a Delta flight?

You can cancel Delta flight tickets on the phone with the help of executives or you can choose to do it online. Here is the step-by-step process given to cancel delta flight tickets through the online process.

Steps to cancel the Delta flight:

  • First of all, visit Delta's official site or mobile app.
  • Now click on My Trips. 
  • Fill in the details such as your confirmation number, your last name, ticket number, or others.
  • Now select the booked flight you want to cancel.
  • Modify the flight by clicking on modify the flight option
  • Here, click on the Cancel my flight option.
  • You will receive a confirmation email. 
  • This flight confirmation helps you track the refund status.

What is Deltas cancellation policy? 

If your planned journey has changed and you need to cancel your bookings, then there is no issue at all. Nevertheless, you must know the Delta Airline Cancellation Policy. Some eminent points of the policy are:

  1. You are allowed to cancel a ticket that you have purchased directly from Delta within 24 hours, and you will get a full refund. 
  2. If you cancel your delta flight ticket by itself. Here too, you will be fully refunded.
  3. If your delta flight is delayed by more than 90 minutes, you can cancel it, and you will be fully refunded. 
  4. Delta Airlines also has a 24-hour risk-free flight cancellation policy that applies to all tickets if purchased directly from Delta Airlines. So cancel the flight booking within 24 hours, no matter what your fare type is.
  5. Delta's 24-hour cancellation policy also applies with some exceptions. Those exceptional cases are given as follows :
  6. This policy does not apply to the tickets that you have booked from travel agencies. 
  7. If your tickets are partially-flown reissued ones, then the too 24-hour policy doesn't apply.
  8. The policy allows you to cancel bookings for medical reasons. In case a passenger suddenly falls ill and is unable to travel now, then cancellation can be made. However, valid documentation or a medical certificate would be required.
  9. If you are military personnel who can not catch the delta flight because you are deployed under government orders, then you can cancel your flight with a full refund.  
  10. In any other case you cancel, you will be charged with a Delta cancellation fee, i.e., 99USD to 199 USD.

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