aero  flies

How do I cancel my Lufthansa flight?

Traveling is always known as an uncertain event that depends on the visit's purpose and changes at any moment. So if you are facing a similar situation after purchasing a flight ticket from Lufthansa Airline and wish to cancel it, then do not worry about it because here you can get a solution. So, the option to cancel Lufthansa's flight has mentioned at the bottom.

Via call:

You can approach Lufthansa airline's customer service team and complete the process with their help. And then, to get them, you can use the official number, which is 1 (800) 645-3880. After that, choose the option from the IVR menu:-

Tap1 to choose a language
Tap7 to cancel the flight 
Tap0 to speak with customer service

Via online: 

If you are competent as per the Lufthansa Airline cancellation policy to cancel the flight, then you can use the below steps to conduct the process.

  • Open the official website of Lufthansa Airline 
  • Click on my booking option 
  • Then type the booking code with the first and last name of a passenger 
  • Click on the flight cancel icon
  • Now, you can check the payment details and click on confirm option.

Hence, by using this, you can cancel your flight easily, and if there is any issue, you can approach customer service for resolution.

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