
How long does it take to get a refund from Korean Air

After you cancel a Korean Air ticket, you must get a refund. If this is applicable, you will get the refund within 30 business days. So, if a passenger is looking for how long does it take to get a refund from Korean Air? So, it will take 14 business days to 30 business days. You know this if you want to apply for reimbursement in Korean Air. Thus, you will learn about it in detail to request a refund. For this, you need to read the following article.

Request for a refund at Korean Air

Korean Air can accept your refund request through customer service and online mode, so if you are looking to attain your payback from Korean Air.

Method 1, get a refund via customer service

Method 2, attain a refund through the website.

open the Korean Air web portal,

Tap on the manage booking and enter your PNR number and your last name

Search for the flight and cancel your flight at Korean Air

Tap on the refund request form and fill out the form with all requirements

submit it to the Korean Air

And you will get your refund in up to 14 to 30 business days.

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