Jon Milan

How to cancel Latam airlines flight?

One of the travelers' most common questions is how to cancel a Latam flight. Canceling a flight can be a hassle, but it's not impossible. The best way to cancel is through your airline's customer service line or online ticketing system. Make sure you have all your contact information ready, including your name, telephone number, email address, and the reference code given to you when you made your purchase.

Latam cancellation policy

  • Passengers can cancel the flight within 24 hours whether they have a refundable or non-refundable ticket. 
  • If the airline cancels the flight due to any issue, you don’t have to pay any cancellation charges. 
  • If the passenger cancels the flight on the same day of departure they must pay the charges. 
  • When passengers cancel the flight with a non-refundable ticket, they must pay the cancellation charges. 
  • You don’t have to pay the charges if you cancel your refundable flight ticket. 
  • If you booked from the website, you could cancel the flight by speaking with the representative or from another website; kindly connect with them. 

 Latam Airlines Cancellation Process. 

  • Cancel Flight Online. 

If passengers want to cancel their flight, they can choose an online method. This is the easiest method to cancel the flight. To cancel the flight, they can read all the given instructions. Here are: 

  1. Open the official website of Latam Airlines. 
  2. Go to the “My Trip” option. 
  3. Enter the required credentials and sign in to the My Trip option. 
  4. Now, tap on the cancel option when you see your booking. 
  5. According to the airline’s cancellation policy, passengers must pay the charges when they cancel a flight after 24 hours. 
  6. To pay the charges, you can choose between the online and offline options according to your choice. Pay the charges. 
  7. The airline will provide you with a confirmation on your registered email id and text on the contact number. 
  • Cancel the Flight Offline. 

When you are looking for information about How to cancel Latam airlines flight, you can speak with the representative. To speak with the representative, you can dial this official phone number of the airline. To get this contact number from the airline, you must visit the airline's official website. Go down to the website and tap on the contact number of the airline. Give a ring on the official phone number or follow the IVR steps. Press the IVR command according to the query. After that, you will connect with the representative and speak about the cancelation. The representative will cancel the flight as quickly as possible.

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