David milan

How to fix Garmin GPS not working?

Garmin GPS is one the valuable software which helps people to reach their proper destination. It will locate the land map and show you the best path. Following that path, you can reach your final point easily. Moreover, the Garmin GPS also shows the traffic and busy roads to prevent you from trucking in a heavy jam. 

Suppose your Garmin GPS is showing some error while guiding your direction; then, in that case, you can follow this article. The article mentions some procedures by the help of which you can fix if your Garmin GPS is not working. The procedure includes steps that are explained in a very basic manner so that you can apply them without expert guidance. 

  •  You need to make sure that the sky is clear without obstruction (buildings, dense trees, etc.
  • You need to make sure that CPE ( connected predictive ephemeris) and extended prediction orbit (EPO) are not expired. You can go to the settings option on your preferred system; you have Gemini GPS, then move to the system tab, then the about section.
  • If it is expired, try connecting with the Garmin connect to update as the expired CPE can affect the GPS locator.
  • You can check whether the ultratrac is active in your GPS settings as it can decrease the update rate of GPS data from a minute to preserve battery life.
  • In case you have come to a long distance and started using GPS, then that case the feature may take 5 minutes to get the signal and find the proper location.
  • You need to connect with the Garmin Connect app, or via the desktop, Garmin expresses regularly.

If your Garmin GPS is not working after all this trial, you can go the technical way.You can follow the below written points to get back your GPS tracker at its original position.

  • You can try soaking the signal. The soaking means you can wait for your Garmin to catch a GPS signal, and again you need to wait for more to get its signal before starting your activity.

You can adjust the GPS data recording setting. Adjusting can increase the accuracy of the readings and provide more details related to your activity. 

  • Go to settings.
  • Then move to the system.
  • After that, data recording.

You can turn off the auto-pause because if it is set to the auto-pause, this can cause problems with GPS dropping the signal.

  • Go to the setting or menu option.
  • Then move to the activities and apps.
  • Choose your activity settings and tap on the auto-pause.

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