
long wolf cut curly hair - These wolf cuts have made us fall in love

Many parents have received strong advice about their baby's first haircut. Often that advice is conveyed with apparent authority, but curiously contradicts the very next thing you'll hear which is expressed with an equally strong sense of conviction.

Surprised that this is such a hot topic? There are many theories on when and why a baby should or should not have long wolf cut first haircut. Some theories seem non-sensical, others seem somewhat credible, while others still, are based on cultural traditions or even religious beliefs.

One admittedly extreme approach is to shave your baby's head in her first days of life.

Shaving a baby's head is a ritual in a number of cultures: Hindu babies, for example, are shaved to remove undesirable traits associated with past lives. Muslims will shave the head of the infant on the seventh day after a ritual sacrifice. Shaving the head of an infant is traditional in Korean and Thai families, and surely in other less well-known cultures as well. Curiously I have also read it is a tradition in Hispanic culture. However, I am from Spain and had never heard of it. Internet, are you lying to me? Well, maybe not, maybe it's a very old tradition, maybe not in Spain. Who knows? Do you know?

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