
Explain The Significance of Beard Hair Transplant

Not everyone is blessed with the beard of their dreams. In India, a man's beard is a symbol of his manhood and is considered handsome. People with patchy beards used to have few options other than to learn to live with it back when these transplant procedures were not popular. Nowadays, anyone who is a suitable candidate for a beard transplant can acquire the beard of their dreams if science has advanced enough.

Why beard lacks thickness?

Patchy beard may have a number of causes, including

1. Genetics: "Like father, like son" states that you are more likely to have a patchy beard if your father or grandfather did. The good news is that you now have the option to grow a nice beard thanks to advancements in beard transplant technology.

2. Hormones: One of the main causes of patchy beards may be hormones. It might be because certain people have a lower blood supply in the cheek region, which causes poor nourishment and less hormonal impact, which may lead to a patchy beard. Low testosterone levels in men may make it difficult for them to grow beards.

3. Lifestyle changes: "Eat healthy and stay fit" is the rule for your general health and applies to the condition of your beard as well. Your patchy beard may be caused by stress, poor nutrition, a biotin and niacin deficient diet, or all of the above.

Beard hair transplant technology:

The basic treatment is removing hair follicles from the chin or the back of the head. The surgeon implants the hair follicles to bald regions in the beard area after harvesting the hair follicles. An entire beard can need about 2500 grafts. To make the beard look more realistic, some skilled surgeons add a single hair at each spot. The graft must be implanted at the correct angles in order to look natural, as vertical placement could provide unnatural-looking outcomes.

There are two primary methods for harvesting grafts:

1. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantations, or strip technique): This procedure entails stripping off a small portion of the scalp, separating the follicular grafts under a magnifying glass, and implanting the grafts in the recipient area.

2. FUE (Follicular unit extraction): Using a motorised or manual surgical tool, individual "follicular units" are extracted, and then the graft is implanted at the recipient site.

The procedure chosen depends on the quantity of grafts needed, the size of the patchy area, and the kind and density of hair in the donor area. FUE is typically a popular procedure for beard hair transplants because the required number of grafts can range from 2000 to 2500.

Precaution taken before and after beard hair transplant:

Before surgery:

1. Aspirin and other blood thinners should be avoided 10 days before to surgery.

2. Anti-inflammatory medications should not be taken three days prior to the transplant.

3. Three days before the surgery, drinking alcohol and smoking are absolutely prohibited.

After surgery:

1. Gentle washing of face and head until the crust that has formed around newly transplanted follicles has peeled off (it normally takes 5 days).

2. To prevent infection, antibiotics should be administered as directed by the surgeon.

3. After the procedure, the transplanted area needs to be kept dry for five days.

4. As directed by the surgeon, shaving should be avoided for a week or 10 days following the treatment.

Side effects:

A hair transplant is a minimally invasive technique without any negative long-term repercussions. There are few brief, minor considerations that definitely won't lead to any morbid circumstances. These are described in detail below:

Ingrown hairs, mild bruising, swelling, sensitivity at the donor and recipient sites, and redness.

In Delhi and Jaipur, the Medispa hair transplant clinic is well recognised for performing beard hair transplant. We have the most up-to-date technologies at our disposal to carry out all hair transplant procedures. We provide all patient amenities while upholding worldwide standards for safety and hygiene.

A large number of patients have had their beards transformed with good, desirable outcomes by Dr. Suneet Soni, the creator of the Medispa hair transplant centre. He is one of the top beard transplant surgeons in the world thanks to his extensive knowledge, amazing surgical abilities, and artistic sensibility. Visit us at the Medispa clinics in Jaipur and Delhi if you're interested in getting a reasonable hair transplant cost in India at for a perfect beard look.

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