
Why is Icelandair Cancelling flights?

When you have a booking with Icelandair, you might get your flight canceled because Icelandair has changed its policy, but then they have lost their popularity because of the low passenger rate, and that's why icelandair cancelled flights. But you do not have to worry if your flight gets canceled; you can claim a refund or look for compensation.


You can claim your refund after the cancellation; for that, you have to cancel the booking and visit the manage booking through your booking reference number, and there you get the refund form, fill out the refund form, and hit submit. Once you have submitted your form refund procedure will take place.


When the flight gets canceled and by the airline's fault, you are eligible for the compensation, and if the cancellation has been made within 24 days of prior notice, you have the right to claim compensation. And to get the claim, you have to file the claim form, and the guide to fill it has been stated here.

Through your internet browser, go to the official page of Icelandair or open the Iceland application.

Then you have to select the contact us option.

When you have chosen the contact us option, you have a different option choosing a flight distribution claim.

Below that, you have the drop dome to choose the reason for your flight cancellation; there, select delay/cancellation assistance.

Then the claim form appears; complete the necessary details and then tap on the send icon

Once you have sent the claim request, the Icelandair customer service team will judge whether you are eligible for compensation. When you are eligible, then you can have the compensation.

By referring to this article, you have reasons to why is Icelandair cancelling flights, and the right against that, and ways to apply.

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