
Assimilate about the refund from Aer Lingus

Many passengers are often stuck in an unwanted situation for which they need to cancel the flight and get a refund. You can avail the refund once you cancel the flight ticket online at their website. Therefore passengers ask how do I get a refund from Aer Lingus after canceling the flight ticket. For this, you need to follow the given steps to avail the refund according to your type of ticket and departure:

First, you are required to open the air Lingus official website on your device at any search platform.

Then, you need to choose the manage trip option given on the website to get into your booking.

At there, you need to enter the booking confirmation code with your last name and tap on the retrieve booking button.

You will get the details of the upcoming journey at which you need to locate the flight you have canceled.

After that, you are required to tap on the get a refund option and head towards the next page.

On the new page, you will find the refund form at which you need to fill the mandatory fields.

You need to enter the full name, email, contact number, cancellation number, etc., and tap on submit button.

With this, the refund form will be submitted to the officials, and you will receive the confirmation message at your registered email id.

Aer Lingus will credit applicable refund within few working days at your original payment source.

Moreover, if you do not receive the flight refund at the given time, you can also contact the Aer Lingus customer service team. According to Aer Lingus refund policy, they will help you calculate the refund and issue it accordingly. Hence, you can find several contact modes on their help page to reach the experts in no time.

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