
How do I cancel a WestJet flight online?

For passengers who wish to cancel their reservation with WestJet due to some kind of trouble like bad weather conditions or technical issues, the best option to cancel a reservation is by the help of online through WestJet official website because it is the most convenient option for canceling your ticket. Further, if you cancel WestJet flight within 24 hours of booking, you will get full refunds for canceling the ticket without any additional charges over your canceled ticket.

Steps to cancel WestJet flight online

1. At first visit the WestJet official website. 
2. Click on the log-in button and enter credentials to access on airline booking account.
3. Now click over manage booking tab and enter the reservation number and last name of the passenger.
4. Next, select the flight you want to cancel, check out the type of booking, and enter the details into the deserved fields.
5. Further, provide details in the cause of cancellation and click on the cancel button, and then you need to follow the onscreen prompts.
6. At last, click over the continue button to cancel your flight completely online, and you will eventually get the message of cancellation on your registered mobile phone number.

Thus, after you follow the above-given information for cancel WestJet flight, then quite smoothly, you will have the option to cancel reservation without any trouble, or you may contact the customer service team for further help.

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