
Procedure to claim your refund from IcelandAir

To get the refund from IcelandAir, you only need to ensure that you have filled out the refund form within the correct period. Also, ensure that you have gone through all the refund policies before filling up the form. Once you have done that, then within a few business days, you'll be able to receive the refund directly in the account from which you made the payment. You can even get a refund from IcelandAir by calling the official number.

How do I get a refund from IcelandAir?

Access Icelandair's website.

Once you're there, you need to write in the search bar, "Refund form."

Press enter, and once the search is over, you'll come across the refund form.

Now enter the details related to the refund.

Attach the mandatory documents.

The list of essential documents is mentioned below. Once you have attached it, you'll be able to submit the form.

Photo ID.

Boarding pass.

That is it. Once you have followed the steps above, you'll get a refund. You'll receive the refund within seven to twenty business days.

Refund Policy:

You'll get a full refund if you have canceled the booking within twenty-four hours of booking. Also, you need to ensure that you booked the ticket at least seven days before the departure date.

You'd get a complete refund if IcelandAir canceled your flight.

After following the simple steps given above, you'll be able to receive the IcelandAir refund in a short period. You can even receive a refund in gift cards or vouchers.

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