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4 Things to Do for Limiting Noise Exposure at Workplace

 Exposure to noise can not only distract individuals at work but also can be hazardous for the health and safety of people at work. Whether the noise is produced inside the premises of the workplace or from outside, exposure to noise for prolonged periods can cause adverse outcomes.

With noise monitoring service, you can measure the levels of noise at the workplace and implement a strategic plan for noise control. Furthermore, to avoid the harmful consequences of noise exposure you can adopt certain things that can limit noise exposure at your workplace.

Below we have enumerated a few things that you can do to prevent extensive noise exposure at work. Continue to read them till the end to learn all about it.

1.  Lowering the noise levels

If the noise monitoring reports state the excessive noise levels produced from a certain area then you can apply advanced engineering controls to reduce them. The best way to lower the levels is by directly taking an action toward high-decibel noises produced on the premises.

The source of noise producing must be detected and appropriate controls must be installed to the source for lowering the noise levels. However, the success rate for achieving this solution is not always possible.

Since special equipment is required to achieve it. But you can always go for alternative and more easily accessible options such as switching to low-noise producing tools or taking care of any maintenance faults, you can even use sound walls to lower the levels of noise.

2. Offering ear protection devices

For workplaces where there are deafening levels of noise produced, limiting the exposure to the noise is not sufficient. In such places, the chance of lowering the source of noise is not attainable, therefore, you must implement measures to protect your workers.

Experts suggest to use ear protection devices in such a case to prevent exposure of noise. These devices can be standard grade ear plugs or ear muffs. However, make sure to implement the necessary administrative and engineering changes at the workplace before you mandate the use of ear protection gears.

3. Invest for regular noise testing

The best way to limit your employees noise exposure for long term is by noise monitoring the workplace on a regular basis. Even if you have invested or changed the functioning for correcting excessive noise levels produced, you must take time out and invest it on regular noise testing.

You would be avoiding a greater deal of consequences with regular noise monitoring at your workplace.

4. Restrict employee exposure

You can limit the exposure to excessive noise for employees by implementing a limitation on length of time spent by an employee in high-decibel noises. Alternatively, you can also make a soundproof room available for your workers.

The workers who have been exposed to high-decibel noise can use this room to recover from it. This way you can limit the exposure of employees to loud levels of noise and prevent the worst from happening.

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